Last night while on our way home, out of the blue  we had a  small talk having death as a topic. A  close friend of mine  said ” I can’t imagine quite afraid of seeing myself being cremated or being buried  several feet underground, still feels like even though we’re dead maybe we’ll still feel something…”.

How do you view death?

I was reminded of the heartbreaking scene when my mom’s casket was being buried deep down underground. Truth that I’ve known ever since, vividly seen, experienced and revealed right in front of me when my Mom passed away.

Death, the truth  that there’s one thing sure in this world we will all die, period. Some of you might be thinking what a scary, weird or rather unusual stuff for me to write.

Yes, this life is temporary, we are just passersby, only when we view life in this way we can realize that though we try our very  best for our survival, to extend our life, slowing down or reversing the processes of aging we still don’t know when, where and how we’ll die but we all know one day it will come to us. As each year being added on our age, the more we come closer to the sunrise of each new day, going thru its twilight signaling the dawn of life, then finally life’s sunset engulfs.

How sudden… how fast … it seems like it was only yesterday…

We were once adorable babies being held in our parents arms…

We were naughty toddlers, playing all around…

We were primary school students excited, afraid for our first day in school…

We were teenagers who love to go out with friends and giggling about our puppy love…

We were crying with our high school buddies as we’re bidding goodbye, farewell to high school life …

We were college students  whom by the sweat of our brows try to pass all the examinations, thesis   and struggles yet still thinking, unsure of what life  has to offer after getting our diploma…

 We were job applicants, searching for a carreer path, trying to earn a living and eager to attain             professional growth…

Now and then we’re having jobs, meeting our ends, building our families, moving on to the ocean of    life…  

Ah, it’s been years… How fast days passed and yes, indeed it is still passing…

Looking back with tears, smiles for all the tremendous memories with people we came across this life…

Yes, years are continuously added to my age, I remember whenever we talked about  memories of the past with some friends, we’ll be reminded that ” Oh, these are signs of getting old, when we keep reminiscing our younger days…”, also feeling glad and thankful that we still have memories to cling on to.

Reminiscing about the past yet wondering about what future may bring.

There are times just like now as I’m writing, sharing my thoughts in this post I came to asked myself,

“How I’ve been living this temporary life?  Where am I in this life’s journey? Am I truly living the reason of my mere existence?”.

Honestly, I’m fully aware  of the main reason of my existence above anyone else or everything else

I know that it should be a life living for Christ but am I doing it?

Faith without action is  a dead faith.

Life is more than happiness and worldly pleasures.

We should go back to our first love. We should be focused more on our true purpose in Christ, to seek God with all of our hearts, and to live a life that brings Him glory both in this life and the next. We need to stop focusing on how we feel, and turn our attention to how God feels.

We need to stop perusing on what we lack, and what we desire, and consider what it is that God wants and desires.

Only when we die to ourselves, can we see the true glory of God, and experience a fulfilling relationship with Him; and this we must do our entire Christian lives. You see, fulfillment, joy, love, satisfaction, security, etc. are all secondary byproducts of having a wholehearted, and single- minded relationship with God.

Having God is the entire pursuit, and because we have God, we will reap all of the benefits of a relationship with Him. Once we understand that God is all that we want, we will feel as if we have received the world, because we understand that we have the best this world could offer in Him.

If God is not enough for us, we might want to consider why we are pursuing God inthe first place. God is not just enough, He is all, and He is greater than all. God is immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. God is searching for the men and women who will love Him, and pursue Him with this heart, sacrificing everything in order to have Him; the way He has sacrificed everything for us.What is our ultimate purpose in our Christian life? God is our ultimate purpose.Seeking Him, knowing Him, loving Him, pleasing Him, understanding Him, walking with Him, glorifying Him and allowing Him to engulf our whole being.

We cannot do it on our own we need to seek God’s help to overcome all our vices and struggles for us to be a work in progress. True happiness comes in knowing and living thru Him. Always be reminded that this life is temporary and it’s too short, let’s make the most out of by living side by side with Him, sharing His good news up to the ends of the earth.

Eternity awaits us after this life. The beauty in death, is knowing that we’ll finally be with our Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. We’re the chosen ones to be witnesses of existence of life after death, because our faith holds on to the truth that our LORD Jesus Christ overcomes death, He’s risen and alive.

Yes, there’s a continuation of life after death, eternity with GOD is our  beautiful future. And that is the hope we’re holding on. In all the stops and starts of life, one thing is certain: The choices we make along the way greatly affect the journey’s outcome. And the most important choice we will ever make is about our relationship with God.

Before I end this post I hope you could also ask yourself…

” Where are you on this life’s journey? Are you living the reason of your mere existence?”.

My prayers are with you I hope and pray that you’ll seek and find answers in GOD.

May His will be done in our lives for His glory.

For Life, Death and After Life is  in God’s hands…
 The beauty in everything lies in Him.

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