♥ ♥ STORY of US ♥ ♥

♥ ♥ STORY of US ♥ ♥


A new beginning for us

Forgiveness, giving chances

We both realized what’s between us

It’s love and not pride

Now it’s like boarding to a new yet familiar ship

Exciting, new things

to enjoy and explore

Two walking together

Through a new open door

The pain of the past

needn’t make us quit

In life, sometimes we get it wrong

At other times, we find a bond so strong

Hold on tight, don’t lose a grip

Let go of the past and move on

Bask in the presence of love

That we have for each other,

through the years…

I was once afraid of giving chances

Couldn’t get myself to forget

Waiting for something to go wrong any minute

And then I could justify leaving it

So, we both pray so hard about us

and for a while we thought we could let go of our love

But it’s love that makes us hold on to each other

We couldn’t last pretending

‘Cause we both knew we’re just fooling ourselves

So here we are to stay once again

To make things right

and having faith in GOD

This time our love will stay stronger

With hope and prayers it’ll be until forever

Giving it a chance to bloom and grow

Thank you for not giving up

On times that I’ve almost given up

Step by step, through time,

Through our ups and downs

Our lives lead us to Love’s blissful path…

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